Starting Over –by Donna

Starting over is not always easy. It is frustrating to be in the middle of something and realize it’s not working, leaving you to go back to square one. Like when you type that really long text to a friend, then you notice you forgot to hit send. But when you go back, it is gone! Then you have to start all over again.

As a teacher, I see this often. A child may turn in a paper, and it is clear they did not understand what to do. Many times the assignment is a cut and paste, so the glue has dried, and there is no way to correct it. When I explain to the student it has to be redone, I usually get one of three reactions. Some students will angrily crush up their paper, throw it down and stomp back to the seat to sulk a few minutes. They do it over, but with no joy. The second is the one who fights the tears. They have worked so hard, only to see their work trashed. But, they go back and try again. They make sure to take it slow and steady this time, ensuring they don’t make the same mistake twice. Then there’s the third type of reaction. These are the children who say “Oh, I get it now”, and take it as a challenge. Excitedly, they realize the opportunity to do it over.

A Difficult Process

Adults sometimes find themselves in this scenario when it’s no fault of their own. It might be starting over with finances, new relationships, or new jobs. Over the past few years, I have watched a lot of people trying to start anew in some aspect of life. As an adult, I too have discovered, it is a difficult process. We think we have our future all planned out, however for various reasons, we find ourselves back at a starting block. When it’s time to take that first step into the new, we often react just as the students do.

Like the Angry Child

Thus, sometimes we get angry. I should not have to be doing this. This is a result of someone else’s choices. Why did I have to be put in this situation? We stew about it, and that is okay. But anything that stews too long, becomes mush. If we let our minds and hearts become mushy with negativity and worry, we will start over lacking joy. We will constantly be looking for the next mistake. We will always be reflecting on what was wrong instead of looking for what is right. Instead, look to Him. God will provide a starting line. In His omniscient power, He will not only be running beside you, but also be in front leading and behind pushing, all at the same time.

Like the Child in Tears

Other times we find ourselves being the child with the tears. It is so hard to watch long-term plans and accomplishments fall apart. Fear and heartbreak causes us to start over at a snail’s pace. We may move slowly because we don’t want to make the same mistakes and have yet another do over. Perhaps, the fear could be that we don’t believe we are worthy of a second chance. There is also the possibility that we are scared, worrying about what others think? However, God sees us as valuable. Shouldn’t His opinion be held in higher esteem than any others. When we measure ourselves against someone else’s standards, we set ourselves up for failure.

Like the “I Get It” Child

Remember the child who says “Oh, I get it now”, and takes it as a challenge, excited to have the opportunity to do it over?

We often have to be like the first two students before we can say, “Oh, I get it now”, taking the situation as an opportunity for renewal. God isn’t going to just leave you where you are. He will provide ways for you to overcome and move on. He will equip you and make you strong.

Get angry if you must, have a good cry, but allow God to move you forward. The times when you’ll learn the most from life will often be the times when you’ve been the most disappointed. However, do not put a period where God has put a comma. God is not done, and your story isn’t over. 

In the words of Danny Gokey’s Song: “ ‘Cause your story’s far from over, and your journey’s just begun.”

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